Watershed Studies

February 20, 2023
Watershed Studies

The resource/regulatory agencies and the USACE agreed early in the planning process that the acceptability of the lower Pajaro River project design was dependent upon reasonable faith efforts to address upper Pajaro River watershed issues that could threaten the lower Pajaro River project.

These concerns include increased development, and improved stormwater flows from impervious surfaces, loss of Soap Lake as a critical upstream flood detention basin, excessive sediment coming through the lower Pajaro River system, and other long-term threats to the viability of a lower Pajaro River flood risk management project of any design.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – San Francisco DistrictThe USACE provides engineering and environmental services nationwide. The Corps has plans to implement a flood protection project on the lower Pajaro River.
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 Pajaro River Watershed FPA (Flood Protection Authority)PRWFPA was established in 2000 by the State of California Assembly Bill 807 to identify, evaluate, fund, and implement flood prevention and control strategies in the Pajaro River watershed on an intergovernmental basis. Since the Pajaro River watershed covers an area within four counties (Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Monterey) and four water districts (Santa Clara Valley Water District; San Benito County Water District; Santa Cruz County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 7; and Monterey County Water Resources Agency), the PRWFPA is comprised of one representative from each of the eight interested agencies. The PRWFPA is a governing body through which each member organization can participate and contribute to finding a method to provide flood protection in the watershed and promote general interests. A further goal is to identify and prioritize strategies and projects that will provide multiple benefits, such as water supply, groundwater recharge, or environmental restoration and protection benefits.
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 Watershed Institute – CSUMBThe Watershed Institute consists of a direct action community-based coalition of researchers, restoration ecologists, educators, planners, students, and volunteers. These participants all work to promote and employ a systems approach to the management of watersheds around the world. A scholarly and complete report on the watershed entitled “Pajaro River Watershed Flood Protection Plan” is a comprehensive examination and discussion of the flood protection issues the Pajaro Watershed faces. Created by a class at California State University, Monterey, in 2003, it was created under the direction of Dr Robert Curry, Research Director at The Watershed Insitute. In addition, Dr Robert Curry put together a slideshow presentation containing historical photos, maps, diagrams, and aerials of the Pajaro River Watershed.
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